Friday, 13 April 2012

My Bucket List...

I've been trying to blog for a couple of days now, but I couldn't think of a suitable/ interesting topic. So I'm going to do what I normally do, and just ramble on about something that isn't really important, but I still think is mildly interesting about me. 

So I started writing my bucket list about three months ago. I know most people start bucket lists when they reach a certain age, but, this way, I can cross off as I go along. It started off as just a few things, but its gradually increased to the size of a small novel. I now have 125 items on my bucket list. I know it sounds really ambitious, but I'm only 16, and I've got the rest of my life to complete it. Some of them are a little bit silly, some a little bit serious, but they're all things that I want to do at some point in my life. So, without further ado, here is my bucket list (so far...)...

1. Complete everything on my bucket list.
2. Go on a road trip.
3. Successfully complete my yoga schedule (I've failed four times now). 
4. See Boyce Avenue live.
5. Move to California.
6. Kiss a Dolphin.
7. Complete the cinnamon challenge.
8. See the Statue of Liberty.
9. Be able to eat without feeling anxious.
10. Open a patisserie in Paris.
11. Find the perfect guy for me. 
12. Spend the night in an aquarium.
13. Read 365 books in one year (attempted, never completed).
14. Lay on the road in the middle of the night, and look at the stars (The Notebook, anyone?).
15. Catch a jar of fireflies.
16. Visit Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
17. Get a manicure.
18. Spend an entire day cuddling with someone I love. 
19. Go to university in America.
20. Buy my first home.
21. Own an Audi R8.
22. Travel the world.
23. Throw a drink in someones face (any volunteers...?).
24. Swim with manta rays.
25. Work for Rolling Stone's magazine.
26. Learn how to tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue.
27. Get a cake from Charm City Cakes.
28. Go to every Hard Rock Cafe.
29. Go on a no budget shopping spree.
30. Learn how to make sushi.
31. Be spoiled on Valentines Day.
32. Get an infinity tattoo.
33. Take one photo everyday for the rest of my life. 
34. Have a relationship that lasts successfully for at least a year.
35. Compete on Britain's Next Top Model (I'd never get in, but its worth a shot). 
36. Eat my own weight in chocolate.
37. Visit New York.
38. Learn how to knit ( I used to know, but I forgot...).
39. Become a wedding planner.
40. Own a DLSR.
41. Learn how to snowboard.
42. Go on an african safari.
43. Steal a street sign.
44. Swim under a waterfall.
45. Visit Pixar Studios.
46. Become a professional chef. 
47. Meet Charlie McDonnell. 
48. Name a star.
49. Become a Victoria's Secret angel.
50. Write a love letter.
51. Get an anchor tattoo.
52. Get my driving licence.
53. Wish on a shooting star.
54. Go to a Taylor Swift concert. 
55. Play beer pong.
56. Have my '11:11' wish come true.
57. Visit Monte Carlo.
58. Have my children grow up with Harry Potter and The Hunger Games.
59. Own a beach house. 
60. Have a wardrobe I actually like.
61. Live in New York.
62. Spend my 21st in Vegas. 
63. Work at Disneyland.
64. Meet the cast of Harry Potter. 
65. Own something from Tiffany&Co.
66. Wear a beautiful wedding dress.
67. Kiss at the top of the Empire State Building.
68. Have the perfect kiss.
69. Slow dance under the stars.
70. Cliff jump.
71. Scuba dive in the great barrier reef.
72. Ride a vespa.
73. Meet my grandchildren.
74. Have my poetry published (I write poems by the way.)
75. Buy my parents a new house. 
76. Dance with my kids in the rain.
77. Kiss under the Eiffel Tower.
78. Go to Coachella.
79. Run a marathon (No need to laugh...).
80. Kiss under a waterfall.
81. Watch a meteor shower.
82. Play hide and seek in Ikea.
83. Go to Glastonbury.
84. Kiss under mistletoe.
85. Learn to surf. 
86. Marry the guy of my dreams.
87. Drop a dress size. 
88. Be an aunt. 
89. Find love without looking for it.
90. Make him the happiest guy in the world. 

I think I'll leave it at 90. No doubt my now you've gotten bored (skim read the last 70, didn't you?). Besides, I've ran out of ones that I'm comfortable sharing. Scary how many people I know that know about my blog. I've lost track of the number of people in school who know. Yikes...

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