School today was stressful. We have five periods a day, four of which I had tests in. Not fun. I think I've managed to pass psychology, but maths I've almost definitely failed. It was one of those awkward tests where you're allowed to go once you're finished. Most the people in my maths class are genius. Now, the thing is, I finished the test quite quickly, before anyone had left, and I'd found it quite easy. But all the genius people were still working. Awkward. So evidently, I've under-complicated everything. So thats maths failed! Then I had 'lunch'. Notice the quotation marks around lunch. I spent my lunch hour revising for the two tests that I had this afternoon. The only place that I could find quiet enough to actually work was in one of the science labs, and its a rule in my school that you're not allowed to eat in the science labs. Feel my pain yet? Its not even the afternoon yet and I've had two tests and nothing to eat! Eurgh, then I had chemistry and biology tests. I failed both. So after all of this, I finally get to go home to, wait for it.... MATHS TUTORING! How lucky am I? As you can imagine, I'm tired as now...
Today I had my last critical thinking lesson. Joy to the world. You'd think a lesson based around the idea of arguing with your teacher would be fun, wouldn't you? Its not. We spent our last lesson arguing over whether the death penalty was right or not. The other classes argued over pies. My friends class actually got to eat pies. I was jealous. Still, starting after half term, we get to do our enrichment choices. Guess what I'm doing? Go on, guess! Creative writing! Oh yeaaaaaaaaa! My boyfriends doing it too, so we might actually get a lesson together for once! I'm actually excited to do english for once. You don't realise how much you miss lessons until you drop them.
Speaking of said boyfriend, I don't get to see him properly until Sunday. Gutted much? I didn't see him that much today. A Levels are screwing up my love life. He auditioned for Romeo and Juliet the other day. I don't think I've ever seen him so nervous for something, but he got into the top twenty out of sixty auditions! He's such a drama queen! ;) I'm kind of worried though. What happens if he gets the part of Romeo? I don't like the idea of him and some other girl having to kiss constantly and call it 'work'. I'm actually genuinely worried, which is stupid because I love him and would trust him with my life. Still, if he does get to play Romeo, how the hell am I supposed to sit through a performance of him declaring his love for someone else? I don't even know why I'm panicking; he's auditioning for Mercutio. I know what the drama teachers at my school are like though, they'll love him.
So I'm kind of running out of things to blog about.... Hmm, half term. I'm kind of nervous. I'm going to be spending a lot of time alone with the boyfriend. I'm kind of ridiculously inexperienced at the whole 'intimacy' thing. The thing is, this is my first 'real' relationship and I'm not really sure what I'm doing. I'm terrified that I'm going to do something wrong. Apparently, I'm quite good at this sort of stuff. I'm not sure if my boyfriend is actually telling the truth, or just trying to boost my confidence...
Just realised that I've had the same song on repeat for the last hour... I've fallen in love with Boyce Avenue...
In the mood for a scary movie. I'm going to a sleepover on Saturday, so I'll probably get my fix then! So far, on our movie watching list, we have Finding Nemo...Still, the friend who's house I'm going to is slightly obsessed with scary movies so hopefully one will make it on. It should be a good night. Its freaking my boyfriend out though. I forgot to mention earlier, but he's a triplet, and I'm friends with his sister. So yeah, casually going to a sleepover where your boyfriends sister will be...
So, its now 7.30p.m. and I've run out of ideas to talk about. So, yeah, I might do another post later, but for now, byyyeeeeee....
OMG THIS story is soooooooooooooooo amazing i totally did not want it to end .. i wouldd be soo estatic if you added me and keep posting =)