Sunday, 26 June 2011

A confession...

I have a slight confession today. You see, I've cheated. Yes, cheated. Its my fault, not yours, and I hope that we can work it out and go back to how it was. You see, I've cheated on you. Yes, you. I've cheated on Blogging with journalling. I'm sure we can make this all work out.

Thats where I've been all this time. I haven't been revising for exams like I told you, I've been journalling. I know we were relying on these exams for my future job prospects, and I'm sorry that I lied to you.  But, it was so easy for me to cheat. Sometimes, you're just unbearable! You've changed since last month. I'm no longer getting the 30+ views a day, or a steady steam of followers, which I feel our relationship was relying on. You hardly talk to me anymore, and to be honest, I just don't think you're interested.

If you want to know, its just a one off, just this summer. I paid £7.00 for a journal that I can pour my heart into, with no fear of being laughed at, or rejected. She's very pretty, not as pretty as you, of course, but none the less, very pretty. She has a butterfly cover, which is of course no match for your blue birds. She lets me use proper names, none of this 'GN2' or 'Friend no. 1' business, and no one else needs to read it. She has her faults too though. She makes me write EVERY day. Can you imagine that? Thats why I'm always tired and have run out of ideas when I come back to you. 

I hope we can work through this. I'm not leaving you, just you're going to have to share me and my writing with Journal. I'll try and write more often. I still love you, but you could show some interest in me, commenting, telling friends to follow (hint, hint) - it all helps!

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Boys, again...

Another post on boys. Sorry. It might pay you to read my last one if you haven't already... 

I was walking with one of my friends today, and we happened to get onto the subject of boys. Again. Now, for a few weeks, i've been kidding myself that I don't like Guy Number 2 anymore, but deep down, I've known that in reality, I'm nowhere near over him. So, casually slipping this into our convosation, I was a little bit  worried about how my friend would react. "Whaaat?! NO! You were making progress Amy, real progress," was something like how it went. My friend then decided to set me a little bit of homework. For tomorrow (or today, depending how long I end up writing for), I have to write a 1000 word essay on the pro's and con's of each guy I like (theres only two, so don't worry) and post it on here. So here is a 1000 word essay on The Pro's and Con's of 'Guy Number 1' and 'Guy Number 2'. (We'll say GN1 and GN2 for short)...

So, heres the thing. I like two guys, both of which have really good things AND really bad things. Take GN2 for instance, he’s adorable and gives the best hugs ever, but, he has a girlfriend and all my friends think he’s a player. Similarly, GN1 is really sweet and kind, but, we hardly ever talk and he kind of annoys me. So hopefully, through this essay, I’ll find out which guy I like more, well I will in theory. So here it goes...
We used to be quite close. Half a year ago, we would sit next to each other in lesson and mess around and stuff. For example, we almost went to prom together. We both asked each other at the exact same time, which led to me panicking and saying that I wasn’t going (everyone laugh at my stupidity). I would also catch him and his friends staring at me, as though they were talking about me. It doesn’t sound much, but thats sort of what originally made me like him, the fact that I had even the tiniest little chance with him.
On the other hand, we’re total opposites. He’s loud, confident and will talk to basically anyone; I’m quiet, have as little self confidence that is possible, and would rather sit in the corner in silence than talk with the idiots of my science class. This has led to me analysing his every move while we’re in lessons, just to see if he talks the same way to everyone. Pathetic, I know. This has also led to me thinking that he likes other girls. I managed to convince myself for half a year that he likes a girl in my science class, for no reason other than he talks to her more than most people. 
We’re both really competitive, which has led to some hilarious lessons. When we sit next to each other, we have drawing competitions, writing competitions, basically anything as long as we can beat each other at it. The best one I remember was who could get the loudest ‘pop’ when we were doing something called ‘The Squeaky Pop Test’ in science (I won, just saying). 
Pretty much totally unrelated, but I hardly know any of his friends, and those who I do, I don’t particularly like. He hangs around with a group of people, who in England are known as ‘chavs’. Wikipedia sums it up pretty well : "Chavs" are said to be aggressive teenagers, of working class background, who repeatedly engage in anti-social behaviour such as street drinking, drug abuse and rowdiness, or other forms of juvenile delinquency. I should probably point out, that he is not a ‘chav’, just his friends are, but if by the slimmest chance I do end up going out with him, then shouldn’t I be able to get along with his friends (without wanting to vomit due to the smell of cigarette smoke being emitted from them)?
We have history. This is where it gets confusing. GN2 got GN1 to ask me out for him two years ago (oh, the irony), we went out for about a week, but I called it off because he was a little be ‘obsessive’. For instance, after he got GN1 to ask me out, that night he called me 14 times to ask me to go for lunch with him the next day. Now, as a ‘commitment-phobic’ that scared the hell out of me. When we did go out for lunch, we spent the whole time in awkward silence, which also creeped me out.
He’s lovely. He gives me hugs, we play footsie, we shove each other off of the table and mess up each others work, we have pen fights, water fights, we share Ipods, he picks me up, we have a laugh, we flirt, the list could go on... A girl in my science class said that we’re like an old married couple. Mind, I also think that that girl is psychic as she casually asked if I had ever heard of the ‘elastic-band method of flirting’, while we were in front of GN2. This led to me panicking for half an hour over how she knew AND what GN2 knew...

He has a girlfriend. They’ve been together for two years, and if I’m being honest, I’m insanely jealous of her. When I see them hugging, holding hands or kissing in the corridor, basically, it makes me turn into an emotional wreck. And the worst part is, I know that I could have had that, if I’d never said that we were better of as friends. Karma’s a bitch....
He’s not shy about the fact that we flirt, which is really confusing! He’ll quite happily walk along the corridor with me, arm around my waist, saying hello to all of his mates, then hit me on the arse with a book. In front of everyone. This usually leads to me kicking or hitting him, which will then lead to us hugging in the middle of the corridor in front of everyone. I half scared that one day his girlfriend will find out and come and slap me. To be honest, she’d have every right....

In conclusion, this hasn’t helped me at all. I’m still confused, if not more so, over which guy I like more than the other. But, going by instinct, I’m going to say GN2 (I can hear my friends going “Nooooooo”).  Even if he does have a girlfriend, that doesn’t mean that theres no chance there, and to be honest, at least he doesn’t ignore me like GN1.

Friday, 17 June 2011

Harry Potter...

So today is a VERY good day. You should all know why, but in case you don't, I'm going to tell you anyway. Today, the greatest day of all days........I bought my 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2' ticket. And thats not the best bit. Its for the midnight showing. In 3D. Anyone jealous yet? No? Well, to top all of this....I'm going in fancy dress! So, you're probably wondering why I'm bothering you with all of this useless drivel? Well, I need your (yes, your...) help. I need to decide which Harry Potter character to go as. I was thinking either Luna or Hermione, but they seem obvious. Which character do you think I should go as? Answers in the comment box please!

P.S. No pressure, but if I get no replies, I'll just have to accept that my blog is a fail and that absolutely none of you like me... Which means I'll have to annoy all of you even more....

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Daytime tv Eurghhh......

So, the plan was, for my next post to say and show you (through the magic of photos) what I was making for one of my friends birthdays (Her birthday is the day 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2' comes out in cinemas. HOW COOL IS THAT?!). The trouble is yesterday, said friend started following my blog. So now I can't very well go and show you what I'm in the process of making her. Lets just say, I'm quite proud of it...

So now I'm faced with the dilemma of what do I talk to you lovely, lovely people about. Any ideas? Nope? Well then you won't mind if I mindlessly ramble on about anything will you? Good. So discussion topic of the day is..... Daytime TV - How utterly crap it is. (I told you to think of a topic....) 

At the moment, I'm on something called 'Study Leave', which is basically when the teachers either get sick of you or start getting scared of you. I should probably point out that everyone in my year is on study leave, not just me (I don't want to sound like some young,trouble-causing hooligan, who tries to deliberately ruin everyones education and/or life). So basically, I've had the past month or so off to 'study', and only gone into school for exams. 

So being the lovely, hard-working, A-grade (don't make me laugh) student that I am, what do I do? Sit down every morning at 6, and copy out my revision books word for word? No. I stumble out of bed at midday and watch TV until one or two in the morning. Now, I don't know how many of you watch daytime TV, but I think that everyone you ask will agree that it is atrocious. 

Take today for example, I turned the TV on at 10 (early morning for me!) and watched Jeremy Kyle for an hour and a half. If anyone here doesn't live in the UK, then you've probably never heard of or seen an episode of Jeremy Kyle. The closest American version I can think of is The Jerry Springer Show. Now Jeremy Kyle is ok for say half an hour, but after that the ridiculous story lines ("I changed my sex so my lesbian wife who was actually a man would love me." No joke.) become slightly tedious. 

So that took me up to 11.30. After checking the trusty TV Guide, I realised absolutely zilch was on. Well, nothing worth watching. So ended up channel flicking for 25 minutes before stumbling across Total Wipeout USA, which was pointless because by the time I'd found it, the credits were on. So its now 12, and I've seen nothing worthwhile on TV. But then, I find 'something'....Teen Cribs.

To those who have never seen 'Teen Cribs', I'll give you a quick run down on what its about. Basically it's billionaire's kids showing a MTV camera person around their mansions. Its unintentionally hilarious. Today, we were welcomed into a house that had a basketball court, rock climbing wall and golf course in a basement, half the house dedicated to the kids (about 20 rooms - all Harry Potter themed, good on them.) and an outdoor swimming pool with a little cave with a sofa and plasma screen TV and two slides.

Now, lucky for me, there were two episodes of this on, which filled in an hour. So its now 1 in the afternoon and I've spent my day sorting out one family's problems and basically 'spying' on another. Alas, though, the run of 'reasonable' shows on normal TV has run out, so I am now forced to flick to the other genre's of TV. First port of call, Movies. Out of the ten movie channels on my TV, not one of them shows the type of films I like (though I must add, in the first week of Study Leave I discovered the Disney Cine channel, which has been my saviour for the past month).  So with nothing at all on TV, I am forced to move from my comfy spot on the sofa and go and retrieve a DVD of some sort. 

So here I am, sat on my sofa, writing a blog post while Harry Potter plays in the background. Again. I know all seven of the Harry Potters word for word now. And if I ever get sick of Harry Potter (which will never happen...) then YouTube will take over and A Very Potter Musical/Sequel, Charlie McDonnell or Alex Day will be next on my list of things to watch.

So that is my mini rant over Daytime TV, which has been boring me for the last month. I think I'll go mad if I have to watch another episode of 'Jeremy Kyle' or 'Teen Mom' or 'Teen Cribs'...

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Hello, again!

So I haven't been blogging for a while, due to the ridiculous amount of exams I've had (five exams in one week), which to be frank, should be illegal. Now, I could write an entire piece of writing on my exams, but frankly, I think that you would all get bored of me analysing how I calculated the profit increase for 'Lathoms Dairy' (business studies is such fun!) or how I analysed 100000 poems about their views of love (I managed to scribble down five pages on this in my english exam...). And besides, I've already done one post on exams, if I start reposting the same things, you'll all get bored won't you? So heres a fairly short post, as I'm meant to be revising. Heres 5 things that are on my mind right now....

1.My Birthday
So a couple of days ago it was my birthday (*breaks into a chorus of 'Happy Birthday to me'*). And, I must admit, I'm slightly disappointed that I didn't experience the feeling of "Ahh, its my birthday..." because, you see, I was in a maths exam on my birthday. So for half of my birthday, I was panicking over trigonometry, algebra and my skirt not being out the wash in time (my school has stupid uniform rules, and won't let you into exams with out 'correct' uniform). So, aside from the maths fiasco, my birthday was rather good! My friends excelled themselves as far as presents were concerned...A lovely Harry Potter poster (already up in my room), salt spray, perfume, a book about GLEE which was apparently a joke, but I'm actually reading, a tiara, two drawings of Darren Criss, a birthday card with photos of us on from now and when we were little (No one will see this ever!) and a homemade birthday card with all my favourite AVPM/AVPS/GLEE/ Charlieissocoollike/Alex Day quotes and pictures. Yet again, thanks soooo much to all of you!  

Now, where do I start with these? Since my last post focusing on the male species, a lot has changed concerning them. For a start, I have come to my senses and realised that the guy that I did like was a dick, and is a massive flirt/ player. So in a year, I've gone from liking one guy ('Guy number 1', as my friends originally code-named him) before moving on to the major flirt ('Guy number 2', as my friends originally code-named him) before casually moving back to 'Guy number 1'. Yes, thats right, I like 'Guy number 1' again. Now, I've been wondering for the past few days why, when I told my friends this, they all cheered and were happy. Apparently they've all seen what a dick 'Guy number 2' is and are happy that I've moved on. Apparently I was blind. Or deluded. So anyway, 'Guy number 1' is who I like now, so I can stop confusing everyone! (You have no idea how many times I had to proof read this paragraph to make sure I had the numbers the right way around! Don't even get my started on 'Guy number 3' (All of my friends will be sniggering now.)).

3.Charlieissocoollike and Nerimon
My new obsession, which apparently everyone has known about for years and years. Basically, Charlie McDonnell is a Vlogger with a huge amount of subscribers on YouTube. Similarly, Nerimon, more commonly known as Alex Day, is also a Vlogger with a huge amounts of subscribers. They're both hilarious, and, yeah, you should watch them...They sing Doctor Who songs together, isn't that enough?!.. By the way, Charlie is seriously cute....

4.Bitchy girls
So a bit of a mini rant going on here. As you probably know, for your birthday, most people on Facebook write happy birthday on your wall. Now, being fairly 'geeky' and not being exactly in with the 'popular' crowd at school, I don't expect many of these. BUT why, do the so-called-popular-girls then have to take the absolute piss and write things like, "HApPy Birffdayyy Sexy ;)"? I mean sure, we don't talk at school but then again, as far as I know, I've done nothing to upset you in anyway. Am I the only one who thinks that thats totally harsh, especially on someones birthday? Answers in comment box, please. I mean, even people who I don't particularly get along with, I still write something along the lines of, "Happy Birthday! Hope you have a nice day! :)" So anyway, thats my self confidence knocked down a notch on my birthday and mini rant over. 

5.Failing Exams
I know I said that I wouldn't mention exams, but they're basically ruling my life now! I've had 9 exams so far, and have two left. Last week was the worst! I had four exams over two days, and they weren't even subjects I like! History, Business, Maths and Science. After two days, I felt like I could literally sleep for a week! But, still, only two left, then I can go back to being nocturnal....